*This is my bonus guide. For Part 1 of this click HERE.
Are you in a high-conflict, custody battle with a narcissist?
Going to family court?
Might you end up in a costly custody war?
Have you ever wondered…
How is it that we, moms, don’t know what we want?
Why is it that we don’t often ask for things? (But the narcissist constantly does)
What can help us help our custody case and our kids?
Where can we organize our thoughts?
What can help us focus? 🔑 KEY: Our organization combats a narcissist’s disorganization.
Use Tools When Dealing with a Narcissistic Ex (Co-Parent)
🔑 KEY: Our lists need to be well-thought-out and carefully prepared with our support team of experts guiding us. This isn’t something we scribble on a Post-it note and lose track of. Instead, this is something we carve out a minimum of 1 hour to create with a coach, mentor, lawyer, narcissist expert, or guide. This is something we revisit and revise a minimum of 2 hours MORE. This is something we practice speaking, saying, articulating, verbalizing, negotiating, and role-playing to sound neutral or demanding (depending on the strategy your lawyer takes/recommends). Our list becomes our script for child safety, well-being, care, health, and needs.
Survivor-Wisdom says: to pre-plan this writing activity and pace ourselves rather than to procrastinate and try to push ourselves to do this last minute. Even if you are not in a custody battle with a narcissist, getting this “20+ Wants List” ready can spare you the problems that come with being caught off guard and not prepared for a fight the narcissist wants. I spent 3 hours creating mine. Having this list "at the ready" lowered my anxiety. I had it polished with experts, and presentable. It led the way and led to negotiating with a narcissist and getting EVERYTHING I asked for. See if this might help you!
Don’t: Don’t procrastinate.
🔑 Do: Prepare!
🔑Do: Get support.BUY THIS GUIDE HERE
*Disclaimer: These are helpful tips based solely on the author’s thoughts and opinions. The author is not a qualified mental health professional nor a crisis caseworker. She cannot give legal advice or appropriate counsel and is therefore not liable for any injury or harm. Please follow your doctor’s, therapist’s, counselor’s, and lawyer’s advice, as well as your own good common sense and intuition based on your unique case—to see if these tips could be helpful. Child custody situations may vary where some of these will not be applicable for your circumstance. Furthermore, court orders may dictate otherwise. Please use your own good judgment when watching this video or reading this document. This is for personal Self-Help only. These were created from the author’s own lived experience and not based on any laws or rules of the courts. This is copyright-protected by the author and is not to be sold, distributed, or quoted without the author’s written consent.
Hang on and have hope!
I write for moms who are forced to co-parent and/or stuck in a high-conflict, custody battle with a narcissist. If this is you, you are not alone! I work with moms in 1:1 individually in strategy sessions to develop sustainable strategies. I teach my 2 strategies/methods of 1. “Skillful-Means” and 2. “Grey-Walling” to establish peace and protection.
My books can validate what you might be experiencing and give you creative ways to improve your co-parenting conditions. In my books, I include all of my tips, tools, and strategies for moms to grab onto like life rafts. Sometimes, it’s solely about survival and staying afloat.
I believe that there are healthy attitudes we can adopt, mindsets to make solid, sanity to hold onto, as well as, beneficial perspectives to take that can help us to endure this dilemma and survive a custody battle. We can learn to use what I call “skillful means” and strategies to navigate and neutralize the narcissist. (Find my video program!)
Learn all you can from my "survivor wisdom" because knowledge is power! Let my chapters be "story medicine" for you on your healing journey from narcissistic abuse or post-separation abuse. My goal is to leave you with tidbits of wisdom with lots of encouragement. Know that you can endure this (with support) and be resilient in the face of the many challenges when dealing with a narcissist. The truth is that our love for our child/children is bigger than the narcissist!
Believe in yourself as a mom. Remember to learn the valuable lessons in all the pain and problems and come out of this smarter and stronger than before!
Like me, you can: 1. outgrow the narcissist, 2. become immune to his attacks, and 3. move on with your life—to thrive. Better yet, and so can our precious children.
Use wisdom. Lead with love.
—🩷 Grace W. Wroldson, Author, Coach & Strategy Partner
*TIP: Read these in the order written for a full understanding of how to build sustainable strategies with a solid foundation.